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George Kuyumji
S2 licensed
Quote from Juls :Think about people who use a force dynamics 301. I doubt they will miss this bug.

Can you imagine sitting in a Force Dynamics Simulator and this bug happens :scared:
George Kuyumji
S2 licensed
Quote from ajp71 :Summit Point is a fantastic circuit, how it got through a safety inspection I don't know, it has trees much closer to the outside of corners than we have barriers to the inside on a lot of European tracks.

You mean the short Jefferson version of the track? After the fast left hander before the back straight there are trees lined up without any safety precaution in the run off area, totally crazy to race there for real.
George Kuyumji
S2 licensed
Quote from ajp71 :True, but I think having blue flags would increase the chance that people pay attention to them dramatically.

What Android means is that abiding to blue flags shouldn't affect the safety rating. I also think there is no way to judge that. IMO there should just be a drive threw penalty if a car doesn't let the leader pass for 1 or 2 laps (if he was right behind him) And blue flags are coming, there's no doubt about it, but iRacing is now at what you could call S1 Version, alot of things have not been implemented. The most important thing for them now is that the whole Service, the Statistics and the Servers deal with the increase of users smoothly, it would be a catastrophy if people pay monthly and the system breaks down for some reason, so there focussing on that now but blue flags are coming, a week before the beta ended Dave Kaemmer said:

Quote from Dave Kaemmer :
We continue to make daily advances in the development of all aspects of our service and plan to do so for years to come. Based on your feedback, we’re focused on race control, automated spotters and pit stops as the next features to be implemented. We also know that having more opportunity to get on track with your friends is a top priority, and we’re researching possible ways to integrate open practice sessions and private leagues into the service.

Last edited by George Kuyumji, .
George Kuyumji
S2 licensed
Quote from tinvek :
in iracing there are 2 real world cars, the legend and the radical, the rest have no relevance to me as i've never visited a race meeting in the usa. the legend is of interest as the european distributor for them is relocating to my local circuit , anglesey.

similarly at the moment there are no real world tracks for me as untill silverstone's available, they have no relevance to my experience and as such i am unable to say if they are close to real or not.

There are 8 real world cars at the moment. Silverstone is available.
George Kuyumji
S2 licensed
And we all know that corner is hard
George Kuyumji
S2 licensed
Quote from dawesdust_12 :... Aren't the "oval" and "road" ratings kept seperate?

There is the iRating, which is completely seperate between Oval and Road Racing. And the Safety Rating, where Oval or Road has a slight effect on each other.

The Safety Rating and the iRating are completely seperate.
George Kuyumji
S2 licensed
Quote from evilpimp :Hmm, my post seems to have been ignored so I'll re-post it.

This is really getting interusting.

Just some questions.

1. For invites, do I sign up on the website with my e-mail, name, address, etc or do people give invites to their friends?

2. If I buy it, it's 13$/month. Which cars and tracks do I get? Is it the Solstice and the Legends with the 7 tracks in the packages section of the website?

3. Which methods of payement are accepted? I'm guessing the regular ones meaning credit card and paypal?

I think I might actually try it for a month and see how it goes. :P
George Kuyumji
S2 licensed
If anybody is interested to join I can pass some post-invitations invitations. Write me a PM with your real name (you have to drive with your real name) and your email address.

If the Server-System-Stats etc. doesn't have major problems in the coming weeks, new people will be able to join, it could be anything between 2 and 6 weeks depending on how trouble free everything works.

Quote from Crommi :Quick question, I've been running Solstice Rookie serie and I'm little interested in testing my feets on Legends, but will it affect my standings, SR or any ratings if I change to Legends serie for one day?

The Oval and Road Safety Rating does VERY SLIGHTLY affect each other.

Quote from mikey_G :for some reason my oval safety rating has risen 0.03 since wednesday, so if the oval safety rating is not attached to the road course SR, then I guess you get 0.01 a day for free?

Anyhow, it looks like iracing has indirectly made some impact on lfs (i'm talking about the new cockpits).

As the Oval and Road Course Racing Safety Rating slightly affect each other, it could be that the Oval Race have gained you 0,01 in your Road Course Racing Safety rating.

But it could also be that you closed the Website BEFORE a Session where you have been in has ended and calculated your new Rating. So you only saw your new rating now.

By the way, if you have done the required laps for a Time Trial or Qualy you can Quit the Sim and Withdraw from the session, your result will count.

If for example its 8:40 and I would want to Race at 9:00 o'clock, I dont wait 20 mn, I start a Time Trial, do the required laps, quit the Sim, withdraw from the session and join the Race. The Time Trial result will count.

Quote from Linsen :So, had my first race tonight. Started 9th finished 3rd, best lap: 1:05.656, Zero incidents. I'm quite pleased with myself.

Performance however is rather cack on my machine. No more than 30 fps (relatively consistently, though) and iRacing doesn't exactly look stunning with Class 4 graphics. LFS looks better, tbh, especially with new interiors.

Anway, was an okay race, nothing spectacular and no real fights, but fun nonetheless.

You should really turn lower some Graphic Options, everything below 38 is stutter and affects your driving performance and experience, I take 40 as the absolute minimum in all Sims
Last edited by George Kuyumji, .
George Kuyumji
S2 licensed
Quote from Boris Lozac :Or/and an onboard video?

Quote from Electrik Kar :I'm on dial-up, probably not a good idea

Just a nice big high res pic, all bells and whistles.

Static screens I've seen usually haven't looked that great, I'm wondering whether that's just because of somebody's low settings. I can appreciate that things might look better when in motion though..

Quote from tristancliffe :
Anyway, I'd like to try iRacing during this time (as I won't have free time otherwise). If I can manage to find someone who has still got betatester handouts can I still get in on the first wave, or am I committed to waiting for the wholly public release now?

Take a look in this Thread:
George Kuyumji
S2 licensed
Oval Races are every 2 hours, Road Course Races every hour. If more people have joined the Service there will be more Races.

As a Rookie you can reset your car twice during a Race, you have to stop and click Shift R, you will be given a new car and sent back to your pit.
George Kuyumji
S2 licensed
Quote from srdsprinter :Is there any proof of this speed of updates, or just conjecture? Sure it's got more money and manpower, but afaik there's no proof of it's developement.

Updates for mid June

Physics Updates

Cars which have just reappeared either due to having a large position or orientation discrepancy (usually during a crash) or whose driver has just entered the car are now not collideable for two seconds after appearing. This should alleviate some problems with being taken out by latency effects or unfortunate pit exits.

All the cars have more accurate chassis inertia numbers, so the response rates have changed. Some cars have higher moments, some lower.

The impact levels for 0x and 4x car contacts and 3x wall contacts now take the car mass into account (lighter cars will get incidents a bit more easily).

There are now 0x wall contacts for light brushes with the wall.

The Rookie cars now allow you to view tire information in the garage, although no changes can be made, or setups loaded or saved.

All cars now have baseline setups, so the error message that a baseline setup couldn’t be found should no longer occur.

The effect of camber is more correct—driving over the edge of a curb does not upset the cars as much.

There have been tire changes made to several of the cars, most notably the Late Model, Formula Mazda, SR8, and SK Modified.


The USAC Series Silver Crown car has been added. Be afraid.

The ambient occlusion level for each car’s cockpit has been tweaked. The cockpits should no longer appear to be as dark.

The Radical’s mirror angle has been tweaked

The Radical’s front fender will no longer flicker when damaged.

The Solstice’s brake lights are now hooked up.

The Skip Barber Formula 2000’s steering wheel no longer flickers.


Added the Infineon Raceway Long Circuit which is generally used by Clubs

Track Bump Maps

Many incorrect surface bumps, mainly where racing paths merged together, have been fixed at several tracks (VIR, Lowes, etc.)

Remote Cars

The problem where cars in on-line sessions would sometimes arrive with all white paint jobs (and with helmets missing) has been fixed.

Tweaked Late Model remote car orientation to hopefully improve the appearance of “dirt tracking” in the corners.

When first connecting to a race server the in-sim chat window will now list disconnected drivers as “disconnected” rather than as large (usually negative) numbers.

Graphics Options Screen

The frame rate limit in the advanced graphics options is now adjustable and also better maintains the selected limit. If you are having stuttering issues you might try enabling this with a moderate FPS limit which may relieve some of the strain on your system’s resources and improve overall performance.

The virtual rear view mirror’s field-of-view (FOV) is now adjustable on the advanced graphics options page.

The graphical antialiasing level (1xAA, 2xAA, 4xAA multisampling) is now settable via the advanced graphics options. If you wish to use the in-sim settings you may first need to disable any override you may have previously enabled in your video driver’s settings. If you wish to use an AA setting other than those available in the current options screen, please continue to do so via your video driver’s overrides. The in-sim settings may allow you to choose an AA level which your card cannot handle, in such a case AA will silently revert to 1x during startup.

iRacing Chat Client

Several voice chat bugs have been fixed.

Chat room names which contain hyphens (or that exceed an internal length limit) are no longer truncated incorrectly.

A rare crash bug was fixed which sometimes occurred during shutdown of the chat client.

Control Assignments

Keyboard assigned gear shifting controls should now work from one session to the next without the need to re-assign them in the options each session.

The clutch pedal control should now work correctly when the chat entry window is open.

Installation, Updating and Launching Software

The installer now creates a start menu shortcut to (instead of If you do not re-install from scratch, please make sure you manually fix your existing shortcut.

The simulation no longer triggers downloadable packages to require a download after certain simulation software crashes.

The graphical auto-configuration has been adjusted to be less aggressive and to set the amount of video memory available for textures more accurately. Your system may now default into a lower PC class and may report slightly less video memory available for textures after running the graphics auto-configuration tool.

Fixed an issue that was preventing the iRacingService from launching the sim in some instances.

Changed a timeout that should reduce the number of “The sim didn’t seem to launch for unknown reason” errors on the web site.


Safety ratings are now displayed to the hundredths decimal place

The “[ ] Use™ dollars towards my subscription.” option on the web site now works.

The proper sales tax rate for downloadable software is 1% in the US state of CT, not the normal sales tax rate.

Abbreviated season stats are now available on each season’s Series Home page.

The navigation for the STATS section’s Series Stats page has been improved. You are now able to jump directly to any page, the last page, or the first page.

Club stats are now available on the STATS Clubs page.

Event Results have been re-skinned.

A car and track dropdown has been added to the TEST panel to allow quick selection of cars and tracks for testing.

Your selected car and track will now sort to the top of the car/track lists.

The “Rolodex” page has been re-named to “myRACERS”.

A bug that would cause the session page’s session panels to not wrap during a race-week change has been fixed.

Race Control

Fixed a bug where some races with too few entrants were being counted as official.

Fixed a bug where a race that ended before half the scheduled length was not being marked as unofficial.

Incident points incurred by cars you have contacted within 4 seconds of that contact will be attributed to both of you.

When you break rules and get a black flag, the rules you have broken will be listed.

In a race, the white and checkered flags are now shown to you based on your position in the race, not just the leader's position which could be confusing.

General Simulation User Interface

Smallest text all uses the same bold font – should be easier to read at low resolution

Increased contrast in text colors

Drive screen UI can be scaled larger

Accented characters in driver’s names shown correctly

Qual sessions have a Qual tab on the replay screen showing session results

Race sessions show Qual times in Grid tab

FOV shown on drive screen when changing FOV

In-car FOV adjustable in Options / Graphics

Cockpit Look options added

List of all key bindings in Options / Other (these cannot yet be rebound)

Bug fixed: all screen resolutions are selectable in Options / Graphics

EAX, which is not implemented, can no longer be set manually in app.ini

Garage screen no longer needs to be scrolled

Series name shown on replay screen

Various little tweaks to several UI widgets – droplists scroll faster, sliders react more intuitively

Laps tab uses colors rather than fonts to highlight best laps

UI will show on the center monitor on Matrox Triple-head-2-go three monitor setups.


Flat tires now make flat tire sounds.

Driving Views

You may only drive using the cockpit view, chase views are no longer available.

The maximum driving field of view has been raised to 135 degrees, to help folks with extra wide triple monitor setups.

Updates for end of June

User Interface
Force Feedback ‘Dampening’ option removed – it no longer did anything.

Corrected sorting order for numerical columns in Session screen tabs.

Re-ordered sound options to ‘Simulation’ and ‘Voice Chat’ sections to clarify the options’ intents.

Cleaned up voice chat notifications.

Removed voice chat ‘you are transmitting’ sound – people thought that they were transmitting static.

Session screen tabs, F2, and F3 black boxes corrected to no longer clip times, some club names, etc. Long driver names may still clip if too large to fit in the available space.

The F3 black box can no longer scroll past the end of the list.

At race start, the F2 standings black box correctly shows qualifying times.

Your wheel now shows up on the replay screen after exiting the drive screen twice.

Pedal displays are more accurate – they no longer display a small minimum depression at lower display resolutions.

Fix for Euro symbol being displayed in some system messages in text chat (but long messages still clip).

Graphics resolution droplist displays correctly. No, really, it’s actually fixed this time.

Graphics options for AA and AF now list ‘None’ instead of ‘1x’


The functionality of STATS section’s Clubs page has been expanded to allow the viewing of all drivers in a given club. Currently the value shown under the Club Points column when viewing a club’s driver list is reporting incorrectly. This will be addressed soon.

The STATS Series page has been updated to show if a given race week is counted or dropped.

Firefox 3 now shows as a supported browser.

We have added the option to select your internet connection type in the “my account” section of the website. New customers will also be able to select their connection type during sign up.

Control Assignments

The sequential and direct shift gearbox controls may now be assigned to the same device.

The clutch pedal control now shows activation in the options screen when assigned to a button or keyboard device.

iRacing Chat Client

Several chat client audio issues have been fixed, including the initial pop or squeal sometimes played. Also a new option for recording voice using 8-bits (the default is 16-bits) has been added which might solve some of the recording issues for some audio devices – if you are having issues using voice chat from the web based chat client, you might try this new option to see if it works better.

Graphics Engine Updates

The graphical issue where many tire barriers sparkled in the distance has been fixed.

Track Bump Maps

Several incorrect bumps at various tracks have been repaired.

Art Updates

Floating crowd fixed near the start/finish line at Summit

Fixed tire LOD issues on the Radical and Silver Crown

Fixed Latemodel exhaust pipe changing to pattern color when damaged

Fixed helmet patterns 41 and 42 so the license strip displays properly

Physics Updates

The caster is now measured correctly at all tracks.

The gearbox timing is now set per car, and H-pattern shifters do not have a shift time advantage.

The Skip Barber car now has adjustable brake bias in the garage.

Race Control and ttRatings

Fixed a problem wherein car numbers were assigned incorrectly in races with a mix of Rookie and non-Rookie participants.

We have adjusted the ttRating formula so that drivers that have only time trialed at a few tracks are less likely to see their ttRating fall when they time trial at a new track. Everyone’s ttRating has been recomputed using this new formula. It is likely that the relative ordering of drivers based on ttRating has changed.

From time to time, ttRatings will be adjusted service-wide so that they better match the current iRating range. ttRatings have been adjusted during this release. Note that this amounts to applying a scale to everyone’s ttRating, so the relative order between drivers does not change.

Client Software Updater

The web site will now better track the download and install progress of iRacing updates.


Updated engine sounds for the Formula Mazda, Silver Crown, Radical SR8 and Pontiac Solstice.

Updates for LFS in the meantime:

Added Mongolian language
George Kuyumji
S2 licensed
Quote from Whitmore :Half those racing on-line are demo users (like me )

If you just count full version users then other sims do come close and rFactor has more. And it is difficult to count all users of other sims - they don't all have a system that captures all on-line users.

I dont have much experience in rFactor, but in its Multiplayer Server lists are alot less people, and there are still alot of other Sims with less numbers. There are also times were 1600 people are Online Racing in LFS, Demo Racers are part of the community and part of the Racing, no reason to count them out.
George Kuyumji
S2 licensed
LFS will stay on top of the genre for alot of people for quite some time in the future. How many Racing Sims have came out since LFS exists? And there are still 1000 LFS drivers online racing at the same time, no other Racing Sim comes even close to those numbers. LFS will do fine in the future also with iRacing around.

What the iRacing product and the LFS product are offering is completely different but they are both Racing Simulations and every "side" will benefit from the other.
For example, some LFS drivers want real tracks, iRacing will be able to give them laser scanned tracks who are accurate to the cm. iRacing in return will bring alot of new people and Motorsport enthusiasts to this hobby. John Henry wants to invest alot of money to make Sim Racing to a broadly known legitimate Sport, threw advertising / marketing every Motorsport Fan should learn what Sim Racing is and how he can get into it. And they are serious to bring Sim Racing out of its niche. Last year a real NASCAR CTS had an iRacing paintjob on it, and they dont even have a product out.

iRacing will attract new people to Sim Racing, and not everybody who gets attracted will be satisfied with what iRacing offers (and costs) So they will look around what else is available, and LFS with its Physics and conveniant Multiplayer Mode is going to be very attractive to Sim Racing Newbies. LFS is falling far short of its potential, it doesnt even do any marketing. So I think LFS and also other Sims will benefit from the new people iRacing will bring to our hobby.

LFS progress is slow, and I think making laser scanned tracks wouldnt really help this Sim. It takes alot of money and months which could be spent on other things, like getting more developers for Scawen. But we all know thats not what Scawen wants to do. What I would wish for LFS is that Scawen allows modding. I dont mean modding like in rFactor where everyone throws out 10 versions of cars and tracks, but having 1 dedicated Mod Team with people of programming skills from within the community.

That 1 big Mod Team could work on making Spa, Monaco, Nürburgring... If it is dedicated to bring out only quality products, it would not hurt LFS. Something like the GPLEA is for GPL, or the iDT is for rFactor, if modding is happening in a controlled fashion LFS could have all the tracks and cars other Sims have even with further development from the LFS Devs.
Considering only 3 people work for LFS it has progressed very fast, but there are 40 people working for iRacing, so its progress will be faster, iRacing is now at what you could call S1 Version, but if LFS doesnt allow controlled Modding (only quality Add-Ons) I dont see how LFS will stay infront in the long term.
Last edited by George Kuyumji, .
George Kuyumji
S2 licensed
No more requests in this Thread please. Just send me a PN with your real name and email address
George Kuyumji
S2 licensed
thisnameistaken and others who want to join iRacing send me a PM with your real name (no nick names allowed in iRacing) and email address, and I will take care your going to get invited in the next round of invitations which will be in around 4 to 7 weeks I would guess
George Kuyumji
S2 licensed
Absolutely Niels, but the mentality of some seems to be we want the most realistic tracks, the most realistic cars, the most comprehensive Service and development for years to come for a maximum one time purchasement of €36

And there are 40 people working at iRacing by the way excluding the experts that work with the (borrowed) scanner when visiting the tracks. For what we are getting in terms of Quality, iRacing is dirt cheap, if accuracy isnt important to you, your opinion may vary.
George Kuyumji
S2 licensed
Quote from Fischfix :it promises to be the most accurate simulation... as long as i could not read it in any gaming review or any self-test. i take this promise as pure marketing.

Most Gaming Review Sites have no idea how a Race car should feel like as the Autors of the Review are casual Gamers. You can read that every Racing Game is a Sim to them. I wouldnt trust them one bit.

Quote from Fischfix : as i see your gear in your avatar, i can see you spend a lot of money for gaming, thats okay. i wish i could have 3 22'' monitors and a racing seat but thats just not the average gamer. that brings me to the point: in lfs or rfactor you have a decent amount of useres but how many servers are croweded? not really a lot.

But this Sim and Service is not for the average Gamer, it has not to do with having a TH2GO or a Race seat, it has to do with how determind you are and how much accuracy in a Racing Simulation is worth to you. Sim Racing is amonger the cheaper hobbys you could have. I understand if people wouldnt like to pay that much for a Sim, real tracks and cars with that degree of accuracy is not so much worth for everybody, but you cannot call them who thinks it is worth it stupid.

Real and licensed tracks and cars in an unprecedented accuracy, League System including Servers, database, statistics and Service, constant Software updates with 40 people working at iRacing. Of course this Sim cannot cost as much as LFS which has fantasy tracks/cars, doesnt provide Servers, Leagues and with 3 people working on it.

Im not saying LFS needs its own Servers, Series or licensed real tracks and cars, LFS is progressing VERY good and fast if you think about only 3 people working on it.
The point Im tryieng to make is you cant expect these 2 products to cost the same, they are very different, LFS is doing great with its own philosophy and iRacing will do too, but they cant cost the same if you think about it.

Quote from Fischfix : i will promise you for iRacing, you will be disappointed with the pure fact you won't find enough races/fun which make up for the money you've spent.

Is it worth the money? Thats a decision everyone has to make for himself and you cant promise to me anything, I have driven on Race tracks in Race Karts, road cars, F1800, F2000 and Group C Le Mans car, for me there is nothing as accurate and fun in terms of driving feel as iRacing.

At the moment there are only 600 or so beta testers in this project, of course there are certain times during a day when there isnt anyone Racing in the Series (you can practise alone). This will change with more people coming in, for me personally it gives a huge satisfaction when I just drive the cars alone. In the evening and the night when people come to Race Online it is easier to join a Race, but as I said at the moment there are only about 600-700 beta testers, of course the Servers cant be as crowded as in LFS which 30000 - 50000 people have bought.

Edit: I have seen you take the "stupid" comment back, fair enough
Last edited by George Kuyumji, .
George Kuyumji
S2 licensed
2 laps at Road America
George Kuyumji
S2 licensed
Quote from Fischfix :wow... over 100 euro for one!!! year.

and ALL YOU GET IS 2 CARS AND 7 TRACKS (4 ovals and 3 racetracks). EVERYTHING ELSE COSTS EXTRA!!!

who is so stupid to pay that much for a single game in beta status with no cars and no tracks? thats almost double/three times the price you pay for a normal game with no monthly costs and no extra costs with 10 times the cars and tracks.

really, this game is way overpriced. no game in the world is worth 100 euro a year not even if it has the best physics you can imagine. thats just insane...
if you want more cars/tracks play rFactor.

i cannot believe people are really buying this shit

Who is so stupid to pay that? I think you are stupid as you obviously didnt understand what iRacing is all about. This is not a Game, it is the most accurate commercially available Racing Simulation, with tracks and cars in cm accuracy. No Simulation costs more then €100? Its clear you have no experience with Flight Simulation were a single air plane or city can cost €100, or what some types of Simulations in our Military (I have used them) cost who arent even half as accurate as iRacing. If you dont understand iRacing you shouldnt call other people who have interest in Top Quality Racing Simulation stupid for buying it. iRacing is a Premium Product, of course it will cost more then other normal Games. Flight Simulations do too. A Mercedes costs more then a Fiat Punto.
George Kuyumji
S2 licensed
Invitation time is over.
George Kuyumji
S2 licensed
Quote from J.B. :
Which sim does it feel closest to in terms of physics? Judging by the videos I'd say Driver's Republic?

For me its a little LFS, a little netkarPro and a little NR2003. Seriously the Legends car in terms of driving feeling could be from LFS. The Open wheelers have a taste like netkarPro and the stockcars obviously closer to NR03.

Quote from The Moose :Nope. Straight to the Skippy would be ideal. It is after all a trainer, a beginners race car. I'd like to do my learning in that thanks

I've been driving a road car for years, i have no inclination to race one.

The Solctice also gives the worst impression of the force feedback of all the cars in iRacing. That alone may well give new customers a bad impression of the sim.

I see it the same way, the Skip Barber would have been the right car for beginners, the Solstice has power steering so the FF doesn really give alot of clues. But it makes for close Racing atleast.
George Kuyumji
S2 licensed
Quote from ATC Quicksilver :You might want to give it a miss Lep, I heard you have to sign up for races and turn up for them on time if you want to compete.

Its a shame it costs so much, because it looks like it could be good fun, if they had a proper online system instead of having to book a race, and it was a one off fee of like £40, then I would get it. I already have RFactor and Netkar on my hard drive.

That is not correct. You can sign up for a Race within 1 minute before it starts. Races are about 30 - 50 minutes long, every hour a new Race starts.
It is actually pretty cheap, if you consider how accurately the cars and tracks are created, down to the cm, it is worth it. If someone doesnt care about realistic tracks and cars LFS is better for that person, but in terms of accuracy iRacing is 2 levels above anything else available.
George Kuyumji
S2 licensed
Quote from Ahriman4891 :I have to side with Shotglass on this issue. I was hoping for a very impressive damage model, and we got the same ersatz as in other sims. At the same time, stupid GRID has body panels flying off, etc (not saying it's realistic, but a damage model with a proper visual manifestaion is long overdue in sims).

I think it is pretty nice:

I think what people needs to understand about iRacing is that it is never going to be a finished Sim, all the features that you see in other Sims are going to be implemented. That is the benefit of supporting it monthly, I'm happy to support Sim Racing like that, they will be able to continue improving the Sim.
The concept of continueing development for years is the same concept that is in LFS. The difference is there are not 3 persons working on improving it, there are 40.
George Kuyumji
S2 licensed
Quote from Leprekaun :My brother and I are very interested in iRacing so if you could just tell me what is required. Don't worry, we'd only need 1 invite . Just tell us what details are required and we'd be up for it . Thank you.

Send me a PN with your real name (that is required - no nick names allowed) and email address and iRacing is going to contact you
Anyone wanting to join iRacing now?
George Kuyumji
S2 licensed

I still have invites left for the small scaled release next week. The Public Release will be in a couple of months, if you want to join now already you can sign up for 1 month, 3 months, 6 months or a year. Credit card required.

Read about it before you join, its not a finished Sim and never will be, its in constant development and will be so for years. It's kind of like a LFS S1

New Website is up:
